BEtween BV. is an architecture design company from the Netherlands. While continuing the excellent Dutch design tradition, we focus on the evolution of urban architecture evolution under the influence of globalization and new-age technology, and hence propose our design philosophy as the mixture of local context, sustainability and design innovation.
Rooted in the European market and with an office in Beijing, BEtween is well experienced with Chinese projects. Our clients include first-line developers, local governments and private owners in China, as well as Chinese developers, companies and private owners operating in Western Europe.
BEtween provides design consulting services in urban planning/design, architecture, landscape and interior design. We are specialized in urban complexes, educational buildings, elderly building, renovation, urban business district planning, high-end hotels and resorts, waterfront landscape planning, etc.

Add: Hugo de Grootstraat 394, 2613 VD,Delft, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0) 15 364 83 86
Email: info@between.city
Website: https://www.between.city/