Dash Mobile, established in 2015, is one of the world’s leading global cloud communication platforms.Based on the intelligent Dashi SIM platform, it provides M2M, Internet of Things (IOT), eSIM and other products, for any application to provide connections to any device in the world.
Since its establishment in 2015, Dash Mobile has been adhering to the value concept of “globalization, specialization, and continuous innovation”, with the goal of opening up global communications and big data capabilities, building aglobal cloud communications industry chain, and providing innovation for partners and operators Technology and solutions bring more “simple, safe and cost-effective” global cloud communication products and services toend users.
Our mission is to integrate people, ideas, and information through innovative solutions to make the world a more interconnected place.
Address:Stroombaan 4,1181 VX Amstelveen, the Netherlands Phone:+31 (0)20-758-5763 Email:info@dashigroup.nl Website:www.dashigroup.nl